Insurance and Addiction Treatment
Addiction Treatment Provided by
Aetna Health Insurance
If you are currently looking for a drug rehab, you have many choices to consider when selecting the perfect rehab for your needs. Among those considerations are the quality of care, evidence-based treatment programs, and the experience of treatment staff, among other concerns. While those factors are critical, arguably the most significant factor in choosing a treatment facility is whether they accept your insurance. Having solid addiction rehab insurance will give you peace of mind when it comes to receiving the best care possible. Most importantly, having excellent insurance can save you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs.
There are many different insurance companies that offer addiction coverage. One of the biggest and most reputable of those insurance companies is Aetna. While Aetna has a long-standing reputation as a reputable company, does Aetna drug coverage cover the essential services clients need to get and stay sober? This article will further explore Aetna drug and alcohol rehabs and their coverage for both in and out-of-network.
If you have questions on Aetna substance abuse treatment and how it would cover your treatment stay, contact Casa Serena toll-free today, and learn more about women’s addiction treatment in Santa Barbara.

Aetna Rehab Centers
What is an Aetna Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center?
Since substance abuse and mental health treatment are considered essential services, rehab centers covered by Aetna must provide the following services:
-Behavioral health treatment, psychotherapy and counseling
-Mental and behavioral health inpatient services
-Substance use disorder treatment
Also, it is important to note that Aetna substance abuse treatment plans cannot deny you or charge you more for services if you have pre-existing conditions. Furthermore, there must be parity protections where limits are applied to mental health, and substance abuse services can't be more restrictive than limits applied to other medical and surgical services.
Casa Serena
What is Included in Aetna Insurance Programs?
-Medical Detoxification Services: Detox helps clients safely and gradually wean themselves off of substances and minimizes the pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal
-Inpatient rehabilitation: Inpatient requires patients to live at the rehab facility or in nearby housing on the rehab's campus
-Outpatient treatment: Allows people to receive vital treatment services at the facility or other location while being able to remain at home
-Partial hospital treatment: A more intensive Santa Barbara outpatient treatment program for people who are at high risk for relapse because of a medical or mental health issue
-Intensive Outpatient Treatment: An outpatient option for those needing more intensive care compared to traditional outpatient programs but has the flexibility in allowing people to live at home
-Continuing Care Programs: Can include alumni programs, continue counseling and therapy, and sober living homes
You must consult the summary of benefits for your Aetna women's rehab insurance to determine your coverage for these services if they are needed. Your summary of benefits will also provide you with the programs and services that may not be covered under your Aetna alcohol treatment policy. Contact customer service at Aetna if you have questions about coverage.
In general, inpatient and residential treatment costs considerably more than outpatient programs. However, services in both inpatient and outpatient programs are covered as long as those services are deemed medically necessary. This includes individual, group, and family therapy, detox services, mental health services, and meals, among other services. Usually, experimental therapies and some holistic therapy programs are not covered under an Aetna drug and alcohol rehab insurance plan.
Request a Confidential Callback
In-Network Addiction Treatment Coverage
In-Network and Out-of-Network Coverage and Costs
Length of Treatment at Casa Serena
How Long Does Aetna Insurance Cover Rehab?